Cari Simon Trains ABA Members On Title IX, White House Takes Notice.

On February 11th, Cari Simon lectured to some 200 members of the Civil Rights and Social Justice section of The American Bar Association (“ABA”).

Ms. Simon explained Title IX and the broad range of federal rights available to survivors of sexual assault, including the right to institute federal investigations by the United States Department of Education and the United States Department of Justice. Staff members of the White House were in attendance and subsequently sought additional information on the presentation from Cari and her firm, The Fierberg National Law Group.

The ABA program was identified as follows:

“This program will focus on how the federal government is responding to the problem of campus sexual assault. The Department of Education issued a 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter that reminded schools of their Title IX obligations to provide students with environments free of sexual harassment and assault. Congress responded by adding the Campus Save Act to the Violence Against Women Act. How are these laws being implemented? How is the Office for Civil Rights enforcing the new guidance? How many schools are under investigation? How is OCR resolving the complaints? How do survivors and their lawyers experience the administrative process? What could improve that process?”

Cari Simon and The Fierberg National Law Group fight tirelessly on behalf of sexual assault victims nationwide. Over 20 years of litigation experience paired with unmatched Title IX expertise has created national attention for victims rights.

Please visit our Violence Resources page for additional information on campus sexual assault.

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