Statement Regarding the Allegations Against Kingsley Middle School Principal, Karl Hartman

Kingsley Middle School Principal Accused of Sex Crimes

Image result for kingsley michigan principalKingsley, MI – We are deeply saddened to hear of the allegations of sexual victimization of students at Kingsley Area Schools. As attorneys at The Fierberg National Law Group, we represent survivors of school sex abuse in Michigan and across the country, helping them seek justice and healing.  We understand the trauma and harm young victims and their families suffer, and the betrayal felt when those who stand in positions of authority over children violate the trust that parents, students, and the community place in them.  Although we know from our work on behalf of victims around the country that sexual assault and abuse in schools is all too common, we are still dismayed to learn about this alleged misconduct in our community.  Our heart goes out to these young men and their loved ones.

About The Fierberg National Law Group

The Fierberg National Law Group, with offices located in Traverse City, Michigan, Colorado, and the District of Columbia, represent victims of violence and harassment, including sexual abuse and assault, to make certain their rights are protected, achieving justice for victims and their families, and ensuring perpetrators and institutions that fail to comply with their obligations to protect children are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

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