Matt Carrington Hazing Death Covered on ID Network Tonight

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ID Network’s new series, The Shadows of Death is airing their 2nd episode tonight at 10 PM EST tonight called “The Pledge”.

It examines the 2005 tragic death of Chico State first-year student Matthew Carrington, who died as a direct result of the hazing events he endured during “Inspiration (Hell) Week” at a local fraternity unaffiliated with the campus, Chi Tau (XT).

The case has been portrayed in numerous national stories concerning the dangers of hazing, and the client’s surviving mother was successful in causing passage of landmark anti-hazing legislation in California called #MattsLaw.

As lead counsel for the estate of Matthew Carrington, The Fierberg National Law Group was honored to support her efforts.

#AHAMovement #WithUS #StopHazing #AntiHazing

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