Kappa Kappa Gamma at Indiana University Under Investigation for Alleged Sex and Drug Hazing

Drunk senior sisters verbally berated pledges, calling them “sluts” and yelling other insults, for about 15 minutes in a “terrifying” event that left multiple women in tears.

Operations have been suspended at the Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Indiana University Bloomington over allegations of hazing.

“Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Indiana University is one of our longest-standing chapters, yet we will not stand by while instances of violence or the threat of violence are perpetuated among our membership,” according to a statement from the sorority’s national organization. “The health and safety of our members are always our top priority.”

The statement, sent via email Friday, came in response to an inquiry about hazing allegations first reported in the Indiana Daily Student, IU Bloomington’s student newspaper. An investigation into the allegations is pending, according the sorority’s statement.

IU spokesman Chuck Carney said in an email the university has placed the Delta Chapter on “cease and desist,” something he described as an interim measure when there is an immediate threat or ongoing investigation.

“It is a suspension of all organization activities,” he said in the email.

The cease and desist classification went into effect Thursday, according to IU’s Division of Students Affairs website. It was not listed on that website early Thursday afternoon, but the IDS published an article online that morning detailing allegations of hazing.

“I can’t say definitively about where the allegations came from,” Carney said in an email Friday, “but I do know that the Office of Student Conduct learned more yesterday.”

‘Under an order to stop activities for now’

The IDS article described an account from Langdan Willoughby, 19, of an experience last year in the basement of the Kappa Kappa Gamma house at 1018 E. Third St.

According to the article, senior sorority sisters allegedly told about 50 pledges to prepare for activity called “blow or blow,” where they would have to choose between snorting a line of cocaine or performing oral sex on a man, before eventually informing the pledges they were joking.

The article clarified the pledge class did not have to do drugs or perform any sexual acts that night but reported a senior sorority sister smacked Willoughby on the rear with a wooden paddle. Other sources who were not named in the article described alleged hazing that took place in different years.

In his email, Carney stressed the importance of reporting allegations of misconduct to university officials so they can be investigated and addressed.

“We would emphasize this to our students: It is imperative that students report or otherwise share information with the university, as the Office of Student Conduct can only respond to reports of which it is aware.”

It’s not clear how many students are living in the chapter house, but it seems they will be permitted to stay while the IU Office of Student Conduct investigates the allegations.

“I don’t have a current number of people living there,” Carney said in an email, “but they are just under an order to stop activities for now as the investigation is ongoing.”

The Delta Chapter was the oldest continuously active Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter, with a presence at IU Bloomington since 1872, according to the chapter’s website.

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