Half of Reported Rapes at FSU Occur at Fraternities, New Mapping Shows

In the past four years, Phi Sigma Kappa has been the location for one in ten reported rapes at Florida State University.

The Tab Florida State, a student-run online publication, assembled a series of statistical maps to show fellow students where the most serious sexual assaults were being committed.  The data, as explained by reporter Angelique Govantes, is staggering:

 “The map shows 16 students have reported being raped at FSU fraternities since 2013, 47 percent of the total where a location was reported. In total, 39 rapes have been reported in the last four years, 34 of which have a location attached, almost ten per year. This year the number – based on data up to September – is 11, bringing the average rape incidence rate to almost monthly.

Heat map representing the degree of sexual assaults that have occurred on FSU campus or affiliated locations. Angelique Govantes/The Tab FSU

Overall, 85 percent of the rapes at FSU took place in either a fraternity house or a dorm. U.S. News and World Report estimates that only 19 percent of FSU students live in residence halls or Greek-affiliated living.

In 2014, four out of the eight rapes reported took place at fraternities, with one of the remaining four marked as “unknown” location.

A quarter of the reported rapes in Greek life locations were located at the former Phi Sigma Kappa house on West College Avenue. In fact, there has been a rape reported at the house in each of the four years we requested data for. The last rape reported in 2013 occurred at Phi Sig as well as the first reported rape in 2014.

A striking proportion of reported rapes at FSU – where the location was disclosed – occurred in the “frat capital of Tallahassee,” Heritage Grove. Many of those incidents took place on “party days” – Friday and Saturday.

In 2015, FSU dorms accounted for 38 percent of the rapes reported that year. Ironically, all of the rapes that occurred in the dorms were closer to the FSU Police Department than ever before.

Part of the remaining 15 percent of cases reported occurred in different parking lots around campus. Noticeably, it wasn’t parking garages where the rapes were reported, but in parking lots that are open and visible to bystanders.

There were also five unknown locations that were not included in the percentages – three of these without definite locations were reported in 2016.  As the locations are unknown, they were not plotted on the map or used to analyze data.

Cases reported on FSU campus, scaled to represent the degree cases are clustered together in similar locations – majority occurring in student dorms. Angelique Govantes/The Tab FSU

Some of the reported rapes shown in these figures are the subject of ongoing investigations, while others were not pursued due to lack of evidence. The Tab FSU will be analyzing the fate of these investigations and cases in a follow-up story.

Of the 39 reported assaults, eight (21 percent) occurred in September, a much higher proportion than would be expected if the assaults were evenly distributed throughout the year.

In general, summer and fall (June-October) had more assaults, while no assaults were reported in May, November or December. Reported assaults were slightly more frequent on Fridays and Saturdays, with Sundays and Monday close behind.”

Neither Florida State University or the FSU Police Department released the location of reported rapes on campus – to obtain the data, The Tab paid FSUPD’s records department for each rape report.

Click here to read the piece in its entirety and view additional maps depicting the shocking findings uncovered by The Tab Florida State.

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