Appellate Court Reverses Trial Court Ruling That Stated Frat Members Are Not Liable to the Family of Rustam Nizamutdinov

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On Nov. 6, 2016, Rustam Nizamutdinov, a University of Louisiana student from Uzbekistan, was struck and killed by a vehicle driven by a Kappa Sigma pledge who fell asleep at the wheel after being subjected to forced sleep-deprivation and other fraternity hazing activities during homecoming weekend.

The individual fraternity members and officers claimed that they, as individuals, had essentially no duty to refrain from hazing pledges, and owed no duties of care to Rustam. Unbelievably, the trial judge granted their motions to dismiss, leaving only the national fraternity as a defendant. We defeated that motion to dismiss.

Today, the Chief Judge of the Appellate Court in the State of Louisiana reversed the trial court – detailing how fraternity members have duties to refrain from hazing, and duties to our client! The case – which has been stalled for years – can now move forward and we can achieve justice for Rustam’s mom. #stopthehazing #nomorehazing

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